Sunday, March 31, 2013

Basic Introduction to Purchase and Purchase Requisition in SAP MM

Purchasing is a component of SAP MM module and its process can be roughly depicted in below diagram.
Introduction To Purchasing And Purhase Requisition in sap mm
MRP (material resource planning) creates procurement proposal and later gets converted into Purchase Requisition. Next step is assigning source to Purchase Requisition, and release of Purchase Requisition. The PR gets converted to Purchase Order and upon goods receipt an invoice receipt can be done to complete the purchasing process. Additionally payment is processed (in FI module).
Procurement doesn’t have to start by the MRP, it can be initiated by consumption based planning or by direct creation of PR or PO.
MRP is a system function to determine the material requirements on both the material and BoM level. A BoM (Bill of Materials) is a list of components and subcomponents a single material is consisting of.

Monday, March 25, 2013

How To Create A Purchase Info Record in SAP MM Process

Purchase Info Record in SAP MM

Purchase info records are information about terms for purchasing a specific material from a vendor. They are maintained at vendor/material combination and can contain data for pricing and conditions, overdelivering and underdelivering limits, planned delivery date, availability period.

Procurement types in info record in SAP MM

  1. Standard

    A standard info record contains information for standard purchase orders. The info records can be created for materials and services with and without master records.
  2. Subcontracting

    A subcontractor info record contains ordering information for subcontract orders. For example, if you subcontract the assembly of a component, the subcontractor info record would include the vendor’s (subcontractor’s) price for assembling the component.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to Change Material Master Data in SAP MM

It may be needed to change certain option in our material master (due to the organizational changes, or changes in processes). We cannot use MM01 as that is the transaction code used only for creating views that are not maintained for certain material. In this case, we need to use MM02 and MM03 transaction codes.
In SAP transactions ending with 01 are for creating, ending with 02 for editing/changing, and the ones ending in 03 are used for viewing data without possibility to change it.

Process to change Material Master in SAP MM

Step 1)
  1. Enter transaction code MMO2 in the command prompt
  2. Enter the material number whose material master data we want to change.change master data in sap mm

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Create Material by Copying Existing Material Master in SAP MM Process

In this tutorial we will go through the process of copying an existing material master data into new material
Step 1) In transaction MM01
  1. Enter material number that you want to create.
  2. Enter our existing material from which we want to copy the data.
  3. Click on Select Views button.copy material master from existing master data in sap mm

Step 2)
  1. Select the views you need to copy to new material
  2. Click Org levels

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Create Multiple Material Master Data in SAP MM

In order to create multiple materials at once, you should have access to a function like
  1. eCatt tool
  2. LSMW(Legacy System Migration Workbench)
  3. BDC (Batch Data Communication) recordings
  4. BAPI (Business Application Programing Interface)
You can also use mass maintenance transaction MM17 to create views in some cases.
But you must keep in mind that not all of the organizational levels should contain the same data (MM17 requires that all data for the materials and organizational levels you select should be the same).
Mass creation is never considered to be end users responsibility.But as a module specialist you may need to work on MM17 . In case of LSMW, BDC or BAPI, it is considered to be developers or consultants work. So you do not have to understand in detail, you just have to know the concept, and that there is this kind of possibility for mass data maintenance.
You can use MM17 for mass changing of material master data (if something can’t be accomplished by this transaction it can be done using LSMW, BDC or BAPI).
Step 1)
  1. Enter transaction MM17
  2. Select the data type you need to change, for example, we need to change a field in general data.
  3. Execute.
Mass creation of multiple material master in SAP MM process